
Sri Lanka: For love nor money

What role does creativity play when money simply ceases to exist? Sri Lanka’s economic crisis has led to a decimation of essential services, with starvation on the horizon. Here, Ravi Amaratunga Hitchcock explores how the local creative community are reacting

How to document hardship

Images of people facing suffering and financial hardship have often stumbled into ‘poverty porn’ and objectification. Is there a right way for an imagemaker to navigate this kind of work?

What does Dall-E 2 mean for creatives?

Are we on the verge of trading in traditional titles like graphic designer and illustrator for AI whisperer or prompt designer? CR discusses the current wave of AI art generators with Modem co-founder Bas van de Poel

Cannes Lions trophy

What Cannes Lions reveals about purpose today

Many famous brands won Lions at Cannes last week with ‘purposeful’ campaigns. The winning work reveals that many are still seeing purpose as delivering great creative campaigns rather than essential business transformation, says Becky Willan at Given