The Monthly Interview: Glenn Kitson

In the first of a new interview series, Anna Higgs talks to Glenn Kitson about combining a career as an ad director with being a ‘meme lord’, and his strategies to stay centred and fresh in a world which can often just want more of the same

Exposure: Rosie Marks

Gem Fletcher talks to the photographer about her practice, which explores themes of extreme beauty culture and its growing influence on everyday life

Image shows the text-based design on the cover of the book On NFTs by Robert Alice, and a metal hard-case, on a bright blue background. The spread features

What happened to NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens experienced a gold rush a couple of years ago, before mainstream interest waned and the market went into decline. Artist Robert Alice, who has edited an extensive new book on NFTs, talks to us about one of the most elusive, and divisive, web3 developments