Dan Reisinger: Master of Colour

The work of designer Dan Reisinger, who died last year, had a significant impact on his adopted home of Israel. Here Naomi Games, daughter of iconic British designer Abram Games – who taught Reisinger – looks back at his life and influence

How brands can up their game in the world of esports

Esports have rapidly evolved into a billion dollar industry, but it’s still often deemed the “wild west” for brands. We speak to experts from Copa90 and 72andSunny Amsterdam about why it’s such a complex landscape, and what potential opportunities and pitfalls brands need to look out for

What does it take to design a toy shop?

The days of wandering down the aisles of Toys “R” Us are long gone, replaced by a new breed of shop that’s catering to kids’ digital dependence and need for new experiences. We find out what it takes to make a modern toy store

What’s next for ASMR

The use of ASMR (sound effects that create a deeply immersive experience) by brands and marketers rocketed last year. But is it just a fad or can the trend develop into something more meaningful? Here, Anne-Laure Pingreoun of Alter-Projects argues it can