A conversation about sex and taboos

Hanx co-founder Farah Kabir and Ferly’s Anna Hushlak reflect on society’s discomfort with discussing sex and pleasure, why we need to create new spaces for discussion, and the risks brands face when taking on taboos While high-profile ad campaigns from feminine hygiene brand Libresse or razor brand Billie have signalled progress on tackling body taboos, […]

Why brands need to be bolder and braver than ever

The world doesn’t want to spend less money; it just wants to spend it better, says Paul Austin, Director and Founding Partner of Made Thought. Here he expounds on how the brands that can deliver bold experiences will be the ones that succeed

How I Got Here: Gail Anderson

We talk to designer, writer and educator Gail Anderson about the mentors who shaped her career, diversity in the industry and her ever-growing collections of ‘things’

The art of Max Cooper

We talk to the producer about his AV show and visual album Yearning for the Infinite, and delve into how his background shaped his creative endeavours and why nature is fertile ground for creative experimentation