Want your idea to succeed? Get your audience involved

Getting your audience to actively participate in the development of your brand, festival or event can provide both a great experience and real engagement with the end result. But doing it well is an art form in itself – we talk to Joe Hartley of Standard Practice for some tips

How I Work: Gallery Director Brett Rogers

The director of London’s Photographers’ Gallery reflects on the challenges the gallery faces in the post-Brexit era, her determination for its shows to be accessible, and on the skills she has – and lacks – when running such a significant cultural institution

All 4 gets a new look

4Creative and DixonBaxi have created a new identity for the on-demand service, based on Lambie-Nairn’s iconic ‘4’ logo and a horizontal ‘streaming bar’. We talk to them about the thinking behind the redesign

The Money issue: February/March 2019

A whole issue dedicated to creativity and cash; we have advice on how to sell a creative business, we investigate the value of an expensive university education, and speak to leading creatives about how they manage their money