Action Hunger’s vending machines to feed the homeless

Action Hunger, a Nottingham based charity, is on a mission to better the lives of the UK’s rough sleepers; starting with making sure they have food, water, sanitary products and other basic necessities. They’ve devised an innovative system of distributing these to homeless people via vending machines. It’s a three step process, explained in these […]

Designing graphics for BBC News

James Mobbs creates graphics for BBC News, Newsbeat and Newsround. We asked him what it’s like and how he uses design and illustration to explain complex news events to viewers of all ages

Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2017 – the winners

This year’s Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards comprised 8 subject categories and five special categories. The winning work showcases the far-reaching creative potential of data visualisation and infographics. Featured here are some of our favourite projects from the winners: The Unlikely Odds of Making it Big Gold winner of the Arts, Entertainment and Pop Culture […]

Do long copy ads still work?

Print and poster campaigns featuring long copy, such as this recent work for Smart EnergyGB, are still revered by many in the ad industry. But do they work for actual punters?