Illustrated “bookazine” by TLS celebrates Jane Austen’s work

While many would argue that Jane Austen’s themes, heroes and heroines are as relevant in 2017 as they ever were, 2017 in fact marks 200 years since the author’s death. To mark the anniversary, the Times Literary Supplement (TLS) has launched an illustrated  “bookazine” gathering together writings on Austen from the likes of Melvyn Bragg, […]

Too much ‘show’ at the degree shows?

As degree show season comes to an end for another year, Hannah Ellis asks whether it’s time to rethink a concept that favours the spectacular over the thoughtful and fails to accommodate many aspects of design practice

FOMO and the power of a great presenter: 5 tips for creating great live content

Creating great live content for social media requires a completely different approach from making a traditional brand film. To really hold an audience’s attention, brands need to think about interactivity, giving viewers control over a narrative and creating content that will keep them engaged for more than 30 seconds. Here, videographer Sophie Kostrowski and producer […]