Gradwatch 2017: New Designers

With a range of UK colleges showing work in the Visual Communications strand of New Designers there’s always a huge amount to see. Here are some of the best examples of grad work that we saw at the London group show last week

Kano’s new Pixel Kit lets users paint with light

London startup Kano is helping to demystify computing with its DIY computer, camera and speaker kits. We talk to co-founder Alex Klein about the company’s latest product – a codeable computer made out of lights, circuits and sensors – and how Kano creates engaging products for people of all ages

Gradwatch 2017: D&AD New Blood Awards Pencils announced

The winners of this year’s New Blood Awards have been announced, with accolades handed to projects as varied as a hand-drawn animation for The National Autistic Society, a fabric labelling campaign challenging beliefs around British identity, and a typographic system aiming to help promote Chinese gender quality. For the 2017 event, D&AD awarded a total […]

Exposure: Les Rencontres de la Photographie

Art Director Gem Fletcher examines the world of photography, with a focus on new talent, photobooks and exhibitions from around the globe. In the latest instalment she looks at photography festival Les Rencontres de la Photographie.