David Bowie memorial project launches plans to construct the ZiggyZag

A campaign to establish a permanent memorial to David Bowie in his birthplace of Brixton in London was launched today at the Royal Festival Hall. The proposed artwork – termed the ‘ZiggyZag’ – is a 9 metre-tall version of Bowie’s famous ‘lightning flash’ make-up design which he sported on the cover of his 1973 album, Aladdin Sane. The planned location for the […]

Ruud van Empel’s ‘fantasy portraits’ at Beetles+Huxley

Faces too symmetrical, clothes perfectly ironed, trees with not a leaf out of place, there’s something unsettling about Dutch photographer Ruud van Empel’s work. It sits uncomfortably on the line between reality and fantasy; leaving the viewer full of questions. Who are these children? Where are they? Why is their gaze so blank?