How northern style has influenced the world

The north of England has established an identity and an array of visual imagery that resonates not only through the UK, but across the world. A new show at the Open Eye Gallery in Liverpool examines its influence.

The science of design

Having helped take the V&A into new territories as its Head of Design, Annabel Judd is now using her talents to reinvigorate the Science Museum Group. She talks to Mark Sinclair about her journey so far

Inside La La Land

La La Land, Damien Chazelle’s romantic musical, has picked up rave reviews from critics and is sweeping the board at awards shows. Over six years in the making, the film stays true to Chazelle’s vision as conceived while he was at college at Harvard. We hear from producer Marc Platt and music director Marius de Vries about how it was made.

Serious Fun with Diagonal Records

Electronic music can be a straight-faced business, but there’s a refreshingly playful edge to the artwork Guy Featherstone creates for Diagonal Records, the label co-founded by musician Oscar Powell. Here the pair discuss their approach and reveal how it has transferred to Powell’s new home at XL

A soundtrack to Apple

From its iPod silhouette campaign onwards, Apple’s advertising has had a strong link to music. We talk to Chris Pattinson, Music Supervisor at TBWA\Media Arts Lab, Apple’s ad agency, about the role that music plays for the brand and why being in its ads can be good for artists and the music industry too