Creative careers

How to build an enduring creative career

As a fresh crop of graduates make their way into the ‘real world’ in search of a job in the creative industries, AKQA’s group creative director Ian Wharton offers advice for how to build a career that will last

How to make a mag

Launching a magazine can be a hugely rewarding venture. But it also takes a lot of hard work, determination and a solid business plan. Human After All’s Danny Miller, who co-founded Little White Lies and Weapons of Reason, offers some advice for getting started

Don’t just take, make

In his brilliant contact sheet work, William Klein combined photographic imagery, paint and type and made something greater than the sum of its parts

Gradwatch 2016: Katie Hickey

Illustration graduate Katie Hickey produced some beautiful work during her time at Falmouth University. She talks to CR about drawing inspiration from mid-20th-century artists and her idea for a children’s book