Julia Fullerton-Batten photographs female sex workers for new series The Act

The Act presents women in a range of professions from dominatrices to aerial artistes, a porn actress and an escort. Each image acts like a diorama offering viewers a glimpse of someone in the midst of an erotic performance. With dramatic lighting and deep, saturated colours, it has a surreal and theatrical quality – a familiar […]

Gradwatch 2016: Hattie Clark

CR: Congratulations on graduating, what’s next? What are you working on at the moment? HC: For now I’m continuing to develop and push myself further – I never want to stop learning new skills. I’m enjoying spending time on self initiated ideas and projects alongside generating different freelance work and opportunities. A little later this […]

Vice CEO Shane Smith on news, young people and the future of TV advertising

Shane Smith co-founded punk magazine Voice of Montreal in 1994. The Vice Media empire is now valued at around $4 billion and includes a film and TV production studio, an in-house creative agency, a record label and a news channel on YouTube with almost two million subscribers. In March this year, Vice launched its first […]

Scott King launches Service Industries with a new range of tea towels

Artist Scott King has history with the tea towel. As a format ripe for subversion and satire he’s previously created a set dedicated to the press communiqués of the 1970s left wing revolutionary group, The Angry Brigade (2002), as well as a series featuring various ‘quotes’ by a range of philosophers and thinkers – from Wittgenstein to Benjamin and McLuhan (2012).       […]