Paul Thomas Anderson directs new Radiohead video

Radiohead have been knocking it out of the park with the visuals for their new album. Earlier this week, they wowed us with Burn The Witch’s video, and now a second film, for track Daydreaming, is equally compelling. And it’s directed by Paul Thomas Anderson no less

Colourful graphic exclamation mark design

If I’d known then what I know now

From getting your work noticed and preparing for degree shows to practising public speaking, Wolff Olins designer Alison Haigh shares some of her top tips for creative students about to graduate

A portrait of Alex Daly, the New York-based crowdfunding consultant

Want Kickstarter success? You need Alex Daly

Known as the Crowdsourceress, New York-based crowdfunding consultant Alex Daly has helped the likes of Neil Young and Pentagram smash their fundraising targets. She tells Patrick Burgoyne her secrets for success

Seymour Chwast – Predictably Unpredictable

US designer and illustrator Seymour Chwast brought wit, skill and vision to a series of commissions for Herman Miller, as the company’s recent post on the work reveals. Steven Heller begins the story in the late 1960s – with an optimistic, picturebook-style poster

What VR means for modern brands

Stinkdigital’s James Britton lays out the case for the benefits of brands engaging with VR, so long as they approach it with humility

Seb Lester, calligraphy and social media

Last month, artist and designer Seb Lester gained his one millionth follower on Instagram. “It’s a respectable following for a pop star,” he wrote on his website at the time, “let alone a nerd with a lot of pens”. Lester first posted images of his work to the platform at the end of 2013. His […]

Brownjohn rediscovered

The work of the late great designer and art director Robert Brownjohn has been gathered together in a new online archive by his daughter, Eliza

Brand New is coming to Europe

Corporate and brand identity blog Brand New is coming to Europe with a two-day event in Amsterdam in June. Get ready for the Brand Nieuwe Conference