Child centred

In children’s hospitals, art and illustration take on an important role in helping to calm and distract patients. Two very different recent examples from Sheffield and Manchester reveal how play is often at the centre of the design approach

The Met and the maelstrom

Many major rebrands today are greeted with a storm of online snark but the row that ensued after New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art revealed its new look hit a new high (or low, perhaps). Here, we trace the key moments in the debate, from initial horror through attempted justification and on to calm

The Tempest – according to the True Originall Copy

Designed by David Pearson, a new Penguin edition of Shakespeare’s The Tempest presents the text of his last play in its original spelling – the result is an uncluttered and direct experience of the playwright’s unrivalled language.

How does it feel?

We’re emotional beings. Every decision we make has an emotional undertone, whether you know it or not. But how would you measure it? In the first of a series of essays by leaders in the field of wearable tech, Gawain Morrison, CEO and co-founder of Sensum, looks at how the world of wearable technologies can help us understand our emotional responses

BuddyWOTCH from Activ8rlives

The future of health tech

Now in its second year, the AXA PPP Health Tech & You Awards is a joint initiative led by AXA PPP healthcare with think tank 2020health and the Design Museum. It aims to recognise innovation in the field of new technology for healthcare and to spark debate around the future use of technology in the field. We’ve selected some of the finalists that have been shortlisted this year to demonstrate the range of the outstanding, diverse and forward thinking innovators and developers of health tech today.

The Jawbone UP2 Rope range

Track, measure, motivate

Yves Béhar is chief creative officer at fitness tracker company Jawbone and founder of US design and branding firm Fuseproject. Here, he shares his thoughts on the future of fitness trackers, their potential to improve healthcare and how to design a device that people will want to wear every day

New look for Pelican Shakespeare series

The first four titles in a new series of editions of Shakespeare’s plays are published by Penguin Random House in the US this week – each one featuring a front and back cover illustration by Manuja Waldia

Designing the world of The Night Manager

From paperwork used by arms dealers to an iris-scanning banking app, designers Julian Nix and Sarah Bradley had their work cut out in helping to realise the world of The Night Manager, the BBC’s recent six-part adaptation of John le Carré’s novel. In a video interview, they talk about the various props they made for this fantastic series.

Vans at 50

Shoe brand Vans has been celebrating its 50th anniversary this month with a campaign promoting its links with art, fashion, music and sport. We talk to global VP of marketing Fara Howard about the new ads and the brand’s approach to social media and experiential marketing