What Lawrence & Ben did next

What do you do after you’ve retired from top-flight sport? There are the obvious pathways of broadcasting and commentating, but alongside this, ex-rugby players Ben Kay and Lawrence Dallaglio have both also embarked on less-predictable careers in marketing. We talked to them about their decision to join adland and discover that the industries of sport and marketing are surprisingly similar

Greenpeace releases simple but powerful new advertising campaign

Greenpeace released a new ad this weekend to coincide with the Climate Change March, which happened in cities all over the world on Sunday, and ahead of the COP21 United Nations climate change conference, which opens today in Paris. Created by Stine Hole Mankovsky, the campaign uses the familiar image of a Russian doll to powerful affect.

Face Up at the Cass for World Aids Day

Images of celebrities by students, staff and alumni of The Cass art school will be auctioned in support of the Terence Higgins Trust on December 1

We Live As We Dream

Oliver Eglin’s evocative portrait series from Berlin is one of two student projects chosen as Best in Book in the CR Photography Annual this year

Are you a Nomad or a Settler?

CR editor Patrick Burgoyne recently took part in a salon event hosted by Flamingo’s Cultural Intelligence in partnership with Shelter and Smoke Creatives (the team behind Shelter’s biannual magazine ‘Here’) to probe how our relationship with the home is undergoing a dramatic shift

Sekford: a new watch brand from Port co-founder Kuchar Swara

Creative director Kuchar Swara has launched a new watch brand, Sekford, with designers Cédric Bellon and Pierre Foulonneau. Watches feature bespoke lettering by Commercial Type and a Gothic-style engraving by printmaker Mark Wilkinson…

Tabula Rasa

This surreally beautiful project, created by dropping pigment into water, is one of two student projects chosen as Best in Book in the CR Photography Annual