David Batchelder’s Tideland photography

Finding abstract compositions in nature, Tideland, a new series from photographer David Batchelder, captures the beautiful shifting patterns and pigments of the tidal regions of beaches on Isle of Palms

Beetroot – an unreliable memoir by Barnaby Richards

Barnaby Richards’ first graphic novel tells the story of his family’s move to Beirut in 1980. In a dream-like recollection of childhood, he also looks at how we often create our own stories through misremembering.

Beautiful new edition of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, with illustrations by Andrea D’Aquino

This year is the 150th anniversary of the original publication of Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, a fact you might by now be a little tired of hearing about: after all, there has already been an interactive play, a musical by Damon Albarn, and coming up is a major exhibition at the British Library. But despite this over-exposure, it’s worth sparing a moment to check out this striking new version of the classic novel, published by Rockport…