Cosmonauts: Birth of the Space Age

A new exhibition opening at London’s Science Museum on Friday includes the largest collection of Soviet spacecraft and artefacts ever exhibited outside of Russia. We spoke to curators Doug Millard and Natalia Sidlina about the show, which also presents a fascinating look at space propaganda and cosmic art…

Sophie Ebrard exhibits series of photographs shot on porn sets as part of Unseen Amsterdam

It’s Just Love is an exhibition of photographs by Sophie Ebrard taken over several years on the porn sets of director Gazzman. Shot with wit and tenderness, the images are set to challenge the preconceived ideas many have of the world’s most profitable industry… [Needless to say, given the subject matter, a few of these images may be deemed NSFW]

Powerful new NSPCC ad

A striking new ad for the children’s charity NSPCC avoids overt shock tactics with a compelling story that takes a heart-wrenching turn halfway through…

Ballet with an edge

Guy Farrow’s shoot for The English National Ballet was one of our Best in Book winners in the Creative Review Photography Annual 2014. Here’s why

What makes a great image?

With the Creative Review Photography Annual now open for entries, we’ve been showcasing some of the Best in Book winners from last year and reflecting on what makes a great image. Now we want to hear your suggestions on what makes a photo stand out – and who you think has been producing amazing work

Redefining paper

James Cropper Paper has challenged eight artists and designers to create an object exploring the potential of white paper. Results include a minimal wall clock, a stop-frame animation and a beautifully crafted helix sculpture…

Handcrafted designs from Denver Studio The Made Shop

Founded on a love of craft and physical objects, Denver studio The Made Shop creates visual identities, film props and album art – from an animated music video made with 200 push pins, to record sleeves made using exploding balloons and smoke bombs.

Intercity releases a series of prints based on the tread patterns of sneakers

The crossover between lovers of design and lovers of sneakers/trainers is well-established, so it’s likely that lots of you out there will enjoy this new series of prints from design studio Intercity, which feature details from the soles of various well-known sneaker brands. Geeky, you say? Never….