These girls can

Ex-teacher Natalie Rodden and former D&AD senior programme manager Kati Russell set up The GirlHood in order to introduce girls from low socio-economic backgrounds to the skills they need to make it in the creative industries. We asked them about the aims of the organisation and the wider issues around diversity in both gender and class

Provocative theatre: an interview with Headlong’s Henny Finch and Jeremy Herrin

With a remit to produce “risk taking and provocative new work”, theatre company Headlong has become known for its bold use of visuals and a desire to tackle some difficult themes. In this feature from our July issue, we speak to artistic director Jeremy Herrin and executive director Henny Finch about the company’s work, from 1984 to Chimerica and The Nether

Confusion at Cannes

Too small? Too big? Too soon? It wouldn’t be Cannes if there wasn’t some controversy over what won. But this year feels different. This year’s festival and the work that won has prompted some more fundamental head-scratching about the ad industry and where it is headed

Periscope: dipping in and out of people’s lives

While the immediacy of online interaction is familiar to those of us who use social media – and second nature to a generation brought up with platforms like Snapchat, FaceTime and YouNow – watching a live video feed via your phone screen is an intimacy that takes a bit of getting used to. Add in the fact that viewers can type comments directly into a Periscope stream, which the broadcaster can react to in near real time, and it becomes a uniquely connected experience. Using the app’s map feature, which shows every ‘scope being broadcast at that particular moment, users can scroll across the world and decide where they want to go. Aside from the location, a user name and a subject-line to each broadcast, viewers generally enter into a new live stream not really knowing what to expect.

Provocative ad campaign to raise awareness of US hunger

BBH New York has created a striking new ad campaign that aims to tackle the issue of hunger in the US. It uses a series of spoof PSAs where countries such as China, Slovenia and Germany – all of which have better statistics regarding access to food than the US – appear to be offering to help America with its problem…

A6 Notebook

A6 is a measurement of paper size. The A6 is a road which runs for over 300 miles from Luton to Carlisle in England. Creative partnership Asbury & Asbury has brought the two together in the form of a notebook, its first product in a new series of items dedicated to the British A-roads

Vans x Murakami

Vans has collaborated with artist Takashi Murakami on a range of t-shirts, skate decks, surf boards and shoes for its premium Vault by Vans label. We spoke to Vans’ VP of merchandising and design, Steve Mills, about the partnership, and how collaborating with artists and fashion labels has helped transform perceptions of its classic shoes.

Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors’ Showcase Turns 25

The Saatchi & Saatchi New Directors’ Showcase is something of an institution at the Cannes Lions festival, and this year it celebrated a big birthday – 25 years. In honour of reaching such a grand age, the agency invited 25 of its most famous alumni to create a special new film, which was shown for the first time at the festival this morning…

CR July: The Live issue

CR July is dedicated to innovation in live experiences with features on theatre, virtual reality, live streaming apps and the revitalisation of a great British seaside amusement park. Plus we have interviews with Tamara Rojo, the artistic director of the English National Ballet, and the Glastonbury Festival’s Emily Eavis