See the other side to homelessness

An interesting campaign for homeless charity DePaul UK has just gone up on several street corners in London. The clever use of each site invites passersby to consider that there is “another side to the story” in terms of volunteering shelter for young people sleeping rough

Your health in your hands

Wearables linked to online systems could put designers at the heart of a revolution in healthcare. Patrick Burgoyne asks where this ‘self-care’ movement is taking us

The printed body

Replacement hips, skull implants, ears and noses: the use of 3D printing in healthcare is growing rapidly. Could functioning organs be the next step?

More than just froth

Design To Grow is a new book examining the role that design has played in the exponential growth of Coca-Cola

The remade self

Sophie de Oliveira Barata creates bespoke realistic and alternative limbs for amputees, helping to restore their confidence with prosthetics to be proud of

Design Indaba

As this year’s line-up demonstrated, Cape Town conference Design Indaba is about much more than just design

Design on the picket line

Craig Oldham’s In Loving Memory of Work, a survey of the protest graphics emerging from the miners’ strike, is a powerful, personal story

To see inside

The Wellcome Image Awards celebrate the best in medical imaging – combining art and science, to aid understanding and stimulate desire for discovery

Piece by Piece

There’s no easy way to make a great poster, but this distinctive and intelligent example for Parkinson’s UK is a perfect storm of creative techniques