Record sleeves of the month

Our latest pick of beautiful, unusual and intriguing album art features an all-white vinyl for Amon Tobin, a twisted pop-up package for Father John Misty and a striking cover shot by photographer Ryan Hopkinson for musician David Kennedy (Pearson Sound)…

Covered in coal dust: In Loving Memory of Work

Designer Craig Oldham’s new book, In Loving Memory of Work, is a visual record of the UK miners’ strike that began on March 6 1984 and continued for an entire year. The project also has a physical connection to the pits – the lettering on its wrap-around cover is printed with coal dust. Here, Oldham tells us about the process

New designs: Alexander Boxill, Freytag Anderson, Heydays and more

Our latest pick of new designs includes a ten logo system for a Norwegian concert hall by Oslo studio Heydays, a charming series of letterpress posters for the Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft and a clever visual identity for an architectural studio by Freytag Anderson. First, though, is Alexander Boxill’s work for the 2015 Lovie Awards…

Sweet new campaign for the Museum of Childhood

Scattered around Tower Hamlets, the London borough that is home to the V&A’s Museum of Childhood, are a series of eyecatching vinyl drawings inspired by everyday objects including drains, road markings and street lamps…

Warning: design porn

Landing with a resounding thump on graphic designers’ desks throughout the world right now is an enormous new sample book from papermakers Arjowiggins. Cue mass designer drooling

Nor-Folk: a new lifestyle brand from Norwich design consultancy The Click

To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Norwich design consultancy The Click has launched an online clothing and lifestyle brand, Nor-Folk. We spoke to co-founder Bobby Burrage about the thinking behind the studio’s latest venture, and why it launched the business through Instagram before setting up a website.

The Magic Whip – the making of Blur’s new album cover

Last month, Blur announced the April release of The Magic Whip, their first album for 12 years. Its cover art features a neon ice-cream surrounded by Chinese characters – we spoke to art director Tony Hung about how he made it

Ads of the Week

Alongside the great campaigns for Dulux and the Clinton Foundation that we’ve already featured on the blog, this week has thrown up some other advertising beauties to share with you, including work for Converse, Ray-Ban, Earth Hour, Ikea and, um, Tena Men…

How we made Alexander McQueen’s Kate Moss hologram

At the centre of Savage Beauty, the acclaimed new Alexander McQueen show at the V&A in London, is the hologram of a ghostly Kate Moss, which first appeared in McQueen’s 2006 ‘Widows of Culloden’ show in Paris. We talk to Hector Macleod, founder and CEO of Glassworks, about his memories of working on the project….

Re-branding Ukip

A successful brand that enjoys controversy, has a passionate, growing customer-base and is in need of an update – could could re-branding Ukip be the perfect brief? asks creative director Simon Moore

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty at the V&A

A magnificent new show at the V&A exploring the life’s work of legendary British fashion design Alexander McQueen is a moving, immersive experience that will leave you breathless.