In development

The Haller smart phone app is the latest example of mobile creativity that is revolutionising farming in developing countries

Come dine with me

With its mix of unexpected locations and great food, the Disappearing Dining Club shows how eating out can be a truly memorable experience

Waste not, want not

From social supermarkets to tech that guides surplus produce to foodbanks, the movement to tackle our food waste problem is growing

Feast your eyes

With a renewed focus on authenticity, food stylists and photographers now favour creating perfectly imperfect images – crumbs, splashes and all

What’s for tea?

Grocery shopping is in flux, as stores such as Bilder & De Clercq in Amsterdam suggest new ways for customers to choose what they would like to eat

In search of perfection

Few photographers have been as influential as Guy Bourdin. Gemma Fletcher reviews a new retrospective exhibition that unveils the process behind the pictures

Standing out

Rejecting received wisdom usually results in work that stands out from the pack.
I know because I’ve tried it, says Paul Belford

No hope

With a general election mere months away, the logos of the UK’s political parties will be everywhere. Can we abstain? Michael Evamy looks at the current emblems

Up the resolution

Happy New Year! Now to the question of whether to do more or less, learn the cello, or be happy as a design sponge

Unpacking packaging

The Pentawards aims to showcase the best in packaging worldwide: we asked design strategist Silas Amos to analyse what its winners tell us about food packaging trends

New designs: Bloomberg, Julia, Brand & Deliver & more

Our latest pick of new designs includes a book on identity design for start-ups from Gestalten, graphics for PJ Harvey’s Recording in Progress experience at Somerset House and branding inspired by the golden ratio for financial services technology company Davidsohn.

Unpacking Packaging

The Pentawards aims to showcase the best in packaging worldwide: we asked design strategist Silas Amos to analyse what its latest winners tell us about current food packaging trends