Nike+ shows ‘big data’ can be fun

Nike+ has sent out personalised films to 100,000 of its users, to offer inspiration for their training in 2015. The campaign, created by AKQA, uses data extracted from Nike+ to create the individual messages, but its real charm comes via some lovely animation work by McBess…

Stephen Doyle: magic, nonsense and macramé

In this film from Design Indaba, New York graphic designer Stephen Doyle discusses the thinking behind his beautifully crafted client work and exquisite paper sculptures

Selfridges celebrates ‘retirement renaissance’ with Bright Old Things

In a twist on its annual Bright Young Things talent scheme, department store Selfridges has launched a campaign showcasing work by creatives aged 40 to 80‐something, including an 82‐year‐old painter and former fashion editor, an architect turned topiarist and 70s punk musician Bruno wizard…

The Sound and the Fury

The film scores of Jim Williams have played a vital role in director Ben Wheatley’s journeys into darkness. As part of CR’s ‘music’ issue, we talked to the composer about making the soundtracks for Kill List and A Field in England

Delightful new ad from Ikea

Ikea has started the year with an advertising bang, in the form of this charming new film, directed by Dougal Wilson and created by Mother London, which forms part of the brand’s ‘Wonderful Everyday’ campaign…

Joan Didion as It Girl: a sign of real change in fashion?

The internet has been abuzz this past 24 hours with the news that literary doyenne Joan Didion is the new ‘face’ of fashion brand Céline. The glee is in part due to a general love for Didion for being permanently cool for over 40 years, but there is also excitement about fashion houses embracing older and less conventional models. But is this a sign of real change in an industry notoriously obsessed with youth?

Record sleeves of the month

Our latest pick of unusual and intriguing album art includes surreal designs for Flying Lotus, psychedelic artwork for Leeds outfit Hookworms and striking photography for Australian artist Grace.

This Are 2 Tone

With its stacked type and loafered ‘rude boy’, the identity for 2 Tone records was packed with attitude. Michael Evamy traces the design history of one of music’s great brands

CR January iPad edition: The Music issue

Don’t forget you can also get the January issue of CR, the music issue, for iPad, where you’ll find all the print mag articles and exclusive additional content in Hi Res, our showcase gallery section, and CRTV, with video profiles of creative people, animations and other moving image work from around the world….

You had to be there

Combining old school set design, cutting-edge technology, sound, light, and live performance, Block9’s fantastical, immersive creations are where art and music collide. Antonia Wilson meets the master crafters of experience