Science & Magick

How ‘exploration house’ The Unseen is using chemistry, tech and old-fashioned craft to create interactive clothes

Life Drawing

Jean Jullien’s take on modern life has made him a seriously sought-after image-maker. Now, he’s taking his observational skills to New York. By Mark Sinclair


The CR Photography Annual 2014: The Beautiful Meme’s surreal and dreamlike rebranding of the English National Ballet as chosen by Alan Wilson, AMV.BBDO

Fat Cats

The CR Photography Annual 2014: Antony Crossfield retouches photos by Tim Flach for Sunday Times Rich List: Fat Cats. As chosen by Daniel Moorey, Adam&EveDDB

Ezekiel 36:36

The CR Photography Annual 2014: A documentary series on Lloyd Aereo Boliviano (also known as LAB Airlines) by Nick Ballon, as chosen by Gemma Fletcher, Getty Images

Finca La Prospera

The CR Photography Annual 2014: Sophie Ebrard’s intimate series Finca La Prospera, capturing a Buenos Aires family. As chosen by Jess Crombie, Save the Children

Time Dilation

The CR Photography Annual 2014: Time Dilation by Andrzej Dragan, from a short film about the way in which gravity distorts time. As chosen by James Fairbank, Rapha

Pawel Fabjanski

The CR Photography Annual 2014: An Untitled series of images for an artbook on the Polish Film School by Pawel Fabjanski. As chosen by Sarah Douglas, Wallpaper*

All you need to know

All type, one weight and one point size – but this minimal poser design for the annual Pentagram LEcture by the late Alan Fletcher is full of information. By Paul Belford

Brothers and Sisters

A conference at Manchester’s People’s History Museum dedicated to the art of printed protest reveals fascinating messages from British politics. Craig Oldham reports

Put a stop to it

The NSPCC recently retired its full stop but for many brands punctuation has a subtlety that can still wield some impact, says Michael Evamy