Fashion on film

Fashion brands have been experimenting with using film to market their products, with mixed results. While a certain pretension still prevails, brands are slowly realising the joys of narrative, personality and even humour

Talking shop

As online shopping contines to grow, many luxury fashion brands are tempting customers into their stores by staging unique events, pop-up installations and exhibitions. Rachael Steven talks to some of the creatives involved in revolutionising the physical in-store experience

Bags of Style

For fashion brands, the humble carrier bag is transformed into a canvas for creativity, a mobile billboard and a highly collectible cultural artefact. But its days may be numbered

The app of influence

With its easy-to-use social tools and filters, Instagram is hugely popular among fashion bloggers. Some of those making best use of the app are now attracting the attention of the brands they feature, their photographic style prompting invitations to shows and opportunities to collaborate

As seen in CR

Commissioning illustration is one of the great pleasures of editorial art direction. At CR I frequently seek out untried artists, but over the years we’ve featured some big names, too. In fact, several of our ‘new faces’ have gone on to become big names themselves. Matching a story to an illustrator is a most satisfactory […]

Throw the book at them

Volkswagen’s press ads of the 1960s and 70s remain a high point of the form, as a new edition of the collected DDB campaigns continues to prove

Still modern, fifty years on

A bold image, clean graphics and copy that sells a benefit: just what’s so old fashioned about this VW press ad?

Animal logos won’t go away

The animal kingdom has been a rich source of inspiration for identity designers. But remember: not all of them are cuddly