Exposure: Kirt Barnett

Mixing the fantastical and chaotic with the everyday, Los Angeles-based photographer Kirt Barnett presents unexpected visions. Gem Fletcher speaks to her about her work

Graphic showing the FIFA World Cup 2026 design identity, with the tagline 'We are 26' laid out in thicky, blocky white type on a background of a variety of green shades

Can design help FIFA stage its own comeback?

FIFA recently launched the visual identity for the 2026 World Cup held in Canada, the US, and Mexico. We hear from four brand and design experts about their thoughts on the tournament’s identity, and whether design alone is enough for FIFA to turn its reputation around

How design and creativity are reshaping B2B

Once seen as the dull end of marketing, B2B brands are recognising the power of design to reach new audiences. Here Lucie Greene, founder of consultancy Light Years, examines the impact this is having on the sector and beyond