Elisa Strozyk’s wooden textiles

German designer Elisa Strozyk makes wooden items for the home – but she specialises in making patterned objects which aren’t usually made of wood, such as bed covers, curtains, carpets and rugs

George McCallum gets his foot in the door

As every young creative knows, it’s tough getting your foot in the door. It’s even harder when that foot is two metres long, as illustration graduate George McCallum demonstrates in his amusing self-promotional project, Foot in the Door…

To infinity… and beyond

Universal Everything showed that big data can be beautiful in a new “endless landscape” experience it created for Microsoft from custom mirrors and LED screens. The Infinity Room was installed for three days in a building in San Francisco’s financial district

SAS Scholarship winners 2014

Creative agency SAS, part of MSL Group, has announced the winners of its annual scholarship award, open to students at Falmouth University and Chelsea College of Art and Design. The winning projects include an app that tracks DNA and a clever campaign to raise awareness of counterfeit pharmaceuticals.

David Abbott: gentleman genius of advertising

David Abbott, one of the true greats of British advertising, passed away on Saturday, aged 75. He will be remembered for a very rare combination of creative skill, business acumen and humanity

Tintin, Snowy and moon rocket for sale

A highlight of the forthcoming sale of comics-related art at Artcurial in Paris must surely be the spacesuited models of Tintin, his loyal companion Snowy and their five metre tall moon rocket

The Trouble With Native Advertising

Wired has just released a new piece of ‘sponsor content’ on its site. Backed by Netflix, it explores the changing nature of TV. It is a dynamic piece, though flags up many of the problems inherent to native advertising…

Twentysix Hydrocarbon Blocks

Photographer Craig Ritchie’s latest book explores the effects of oil and gas extraction in the Peruvian Amazon on the area’s ecology and indigenous peoples – and takes artist Ed Ruscha’s seminal Twentysix Gas Stations as its starting point

Wa – Japanese Design

  Designed by The book features works by some of the most important Japanese designers – from Sori Yanagi and Shiro Kuramata, to Naoto Fukasawa and Tokujin Yoshioka. Introductory essay by Kenya Hara. Through some 250 objects this book explores contemporary Japanese design: from everyday objects and packaging to interior design and lighting elements. “Ultimately […]

Ad agencies on Twitter: the rights and wrongs

Getting the right tone of voice on Twitter is a fine art: Paul Domenet, ECD of Johnny Fearless, offers ad agencies some tips, plus picks his favourite ad tweeters.

Elephants Charging Towards Brazil!

FIFA recently unveiled the slogans that will appear on each of the team buses at the Brazil World Cup. They were chosen through a public contest sponsored by Hyundai, with predictably varying results. But for a copywriter, the whole thing is quite fun; the slogans equivalent of the Eurovision song contest