The Letterpress Shakespeare

While your Arden edition might be a little easier in the hands, The Folio Society’s new Letterpress Shakespeare titles are a typographic indulgence that attempt a renewed engagement with the bard’s plays and sonnets

Ten illustrated posters for The Double up for grabs

With the film opening in the UK today, we have ten copies of Empire Design’s fantastic illustrated poster for The Double to give away (detail shown, above). Click through to see how you can win one

Ad of the Week: Heineken, The Legendary Posters

To help support the charity Reporters Without Borders, Heineken has created a series of 40 posters to be sold on eBay. The posters were made by artists and illustrators as well as some more unexpected figures, such as the tennis legend Jimmy Connors. The campaign is our Ad of the Week.

An interview with Milton Glaser

At creative conference Offset in Dublin last month, audiences were treated to an exclusive video interview with Milton Glaser by author Steve Heller. Offset has now released the film online and you can watch it in full below…

The 100 Archive: documenting Irish design

Ireland’s creative community has launched an online archive documenting visual communications in the country. We spoke to designer David Wall about the project…

How to paint BUS STOP on a road

Filmed during an early morning in the capital by designer Tom Williams, a road painter exhibits some effortless heavy duty lettering skills

Shape: a new film to promote design

Director and animator Johnny Kelly and designer Scott Burnett have created a short film to show why design is important. The film features simple and charming graphics, and no language, so it can be understood universally.

Evian Spider-baby spot launches

The much-anticipated latest ad in the Evian baby series has launched today, this time bringing a Spider-baby into the world. CR talks to BETC Paris ECD Filip Nilsson to get the lowdown on the new spot…

Ryman Eco: Grey London and Ryman launch ‘sustainable’ free font

Ad agency Grey and stationery brand Ryman have launched a free font which they claim could considerably reduce global ink consumption if adopted worldwide. It’s a clever marketing move, but could it really have a significant environmental impact? And does it really offer anything that existing typefaces and eco fonts don’t? We spoke to designer Dan Rhatigan and Grey ECD Nils Leonard to find out…


This month sees the second BCNMCR event bringing together designers from Manchester and Barcelona. We spoke to BCNMCR founder Dave Sedgwick about the idea