The Love Hate Relationship

Thanks to its unique taste, combined with excellent marketing, playful packaging, and a skillful use of social media, Marmite has become a British institution. We talk to the client, ad agency, and packaging designers on how they keep the brand great

Ageing Process

Renowned photographer Nadav Kander has directed Age UK’s new commercial, which features people from every decade from 0 to 100. In a crowded charity market, the ad avoids shock and instead uses beauty and poignancy to stand out

Extreme Shooting

Originally designed for extreme sports enthusiasts, GoPro cameras have become the latest must-have creative gadget. We talk to CR readers about what makes them so useful and trace the brand’s highly effective use of content marketing techniques

Stories from Cape Town

Collaboration was a strong theme at this year’s Design Indaba, with talks from a diverse range of speakers

Someone To Watch Over You

CR talks to four of the top commercial photography agents about what they do, how they do it and why their multifaceted role is now more vital than ever

Get Real and Getty Images have teamed up to create a new collection of stock photography aimed at shifting perceptions of women and the way they are portrayed. Will it change attitudes or is it just clever marketing?

Artistic license

Agency life used to facilitate outside artistic projects, but now there’s hardly time to sketch, let alone write that novel

Celebrating the life and work of Muriel Cooper

The graphic design canon. Is there one? And if there is, who’s in it? Josef Müller-Brockmann? Paul Rand? Armin Hoffman? Milton Glaser? Otl Aicher? Alan Fletcher? You could make a strong case for each of these designers, and a few dozen others. But how many of them would be women?The question of female representation in […]

Exhibiting tendencies

The problem with posters designed for exhibitions? They relegate ideas in favour of the art, unlike this classic

Harbour lights

Sydney’s Darling Harbour has a new inflatable identity which aims to unite the area and reflect its sense of fun and energy