365 days of the V&A

Blanka and Print Process founder Mark Blamire has designed a 2014 wall planner for the V&A museum featuring an illustration for each day of the year.

Frost* tells Sydney to put it on

Design agency Frost* has created a new campaign encouraging the use of condoms for the Australia AIDS Council of New South Wales’s Ending HIV initiative.

Canal+ sends in the clowns

A gang of dwarf clowns star in this new spot for Canal+ from BETC Paris, created to promote new channel Canal+ Series…

Spot the ad in James Curran’s APA titles

Partizan director James Curran’s brilliant film introducing this year’s Advertising Producers Association Show references the year’s top ads. How many can you spot?

Alphabets to Octopuses: Children’s books and designers

Every graphic designer seems to have a children’s book in them, writes hat-trick’s Jim Sutherland. Having just recently helped to create one, he considers why so many in the profession, including Alan Fletcher, Paul Rand and Milton Glaser, have decided to work – and play – in the medium

First pics of giant Greenpeace Bear released

Photographs of Aurora, a giant marionette polar bear created to promote Greenpeace’s Save The Arctic campaign have been released, in advance of the bear’s ‘walk’ through London this Sunday…

Romek Marber: Graphics

Colchester School of Art’s Minories Galleries has launched a new exhibition on the work of graphic designer Romek Marber. Best known for his innovative Penguin Crime Series, the show also provides a chance to see his work for The Economist, the Observer Magazine and a range of other clients

How Arcade Fire’s Reflektor web experience was created

Reflektor, the highly-anticipated first track from Arcade Fire’s new album has launched online this evening with the band releasing a new interactive web experience, created in collaboration with Aaron Koblin at Google and director Vincent Morisset. We talked to Morisset about how the piece was created…