What comic books are made of

In Super Graphic, Tim Leong presents an infographic guide to the comic book universe. It maps, charts and Venn diagrams its way through facts and figures about characters and storylines – and is utterly charming with it

Cricklewood’s mobile town square

Civic ideas agency Spacemakers has created a mobile town square that will be transported by bike around Cricklewood next month to highlight a lack of public space in the area.

Beacons Art & Music Festival

A blissful August weekend brought an attentively curated line-up of sights and sounds, to a glorious northern location, for the arty, musical haven of Beacons festival. With an atmosphere bursting with positive vibes and creative passion, it soon became clear that Beacons was the type of place where you are just as likely to have a chat with a stranger about the who’s who of 2013 need-to-know bands as you are about the what’s what of the latest and greatest design studios.

Immersive site re-tells the story of 1963 March on Washington

The US National Park Foundation and digital marketing agency Organic have launched an interactive site allowing users to record their own version of Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.

F for future

On the day GCSE exam results came out this month, a series of print ads for The Prince’s Trust appeared in British newspapers aiming to encourage those students who perhaps didn’t do so well

Open source posters for Brazil

London-based designer Rejane Dal Bello has launched a Facebook page with the sole purpose of sharing and distributing posters created for the protests in Brazil, in time for the country’s Independence Day… Dal Bello is a Brazilian national and has watched from her base in London as many of her fellow designers in her home […]

Petition to name hurricanes after climate change deniers

To increase awareness of climate change, activist group 350 Action is petitioning the World Meteorological Society to change the names of hurricanes to those of policy makers that deny the existence of global warming. This spoof film shows how this would work on news shows…

Poetry in motion

The first stage of a 160 metre-long typographic installation has been unveiled near the Kew Bridge Steam Museum in west London. It’s the result of a collaboration between consultancy Future City, Pentagram’s Harry Pearce, studio Millimetre, and poet Alice Oswald