Sunny Delight

Instead of casting around for the perfect talent to fit its agency, 72andSunny set up its own intensive course to shape the creative leaders it requires

If you go down to the woods today …

Illustrator Andrew Groves has been making handcrafted wooden objects since he moved to the countryside a few years ago. Keen to share the appeal of working in wood, he has launched a series of carving workshops under the Miscellaneous Adventures name

In Bruges

Lettering artist Lieve Cornil is so passionate about the artform that three years ago she set up her own school to teach people calligraphy, graphic art and type design. Through Studio XII she aims to prove there’s a living to be made in lettering

A Class of Their Own

Martin Lorenz and Lupi Asensio of design studio TwoPoints.Net are applying their considerable experience in European design education to their very own study programme

A concrete identity

From Ken Briggs to North, via Citigate Lloyd Northover, the Barbican’s identity design has helped the venue itself to evolve

What is it that I do again?

While specialising in one field of design may one day make you an expert, it can close off a world of creative opportunity

Protest art in real time

Turkish designers have been quick to adapt the key images of recent protests, and spreading the message of the Occupy Gezi movement, both online and on the streets

Brazil’s two biennales

This year’s 10th Brazilian Graphic Design Biennale was reframed by the context of nationwide protests

The United Shapes of America

A new addition to the online collection of iconography at The Noun Project is a series of vector graphics of the fifty US States. Detached from their familiar housing, the state boundaries reveal all sorts of interesting shapes

TBWA Paris takes branding out of McDonald’s campaign

Do you know your Big Mac from your Double Whopper? A new campaign for McDonald’s by TBWA Paris relies on consumers being able to do just that, highlighting six of the chain’s ‘iconic’ products without a shred of branding