Stephen Cheetham’s Friendly Faces

Illustrator Stephen Cheetham has been experimenting with 3D design for his latest range of products – a charming set of Friendly Faces.

The Parisian off-licence run by admen

Advertising creatives often have interesting after-hours side projects, but we’d never heard of any running an off-licence before. Jean Grogan has the story behind The Paris Liquor Store (TPLS), founded by Thomas Barclay, an art director at Havas Worldwide Paris, and realised with the help of two admen colleagues.

D&AD New Blood round-up

Around 70 courses are represented at this year’s D&AD New Blood graduate show in London’s Spitalfields market. We pick out a few highlights

Talent Spotters: UCLan Graphic Design

Last week the Creative Focus festival in Preston displayed work by graduates of the University of Central Lancashire. I was lucky enough to attend the Graphic Design open evening – and here are a few of my highlights

Nous magazine: exploring depression in print

Manchester Metropolitan graphic design student Lisa Lorenz has launched a free quarterly print magazine that aims to raise awareness of depression through illustration, photography, poetry and prose.

Long copy isn’t back

Apple has just released a series of long copy ads with the help of advertising agency TBWAMedia Arts Lab, USA. Does this mark a return to the heyday of long copy advertising? Sadly, but definitely, not

Creative Spirits

London agency Work Club is asking UK creative companies to sign up to an employment disability scheme after being inspired by a national initiative in Australia.

Not for Rental

Designers Timba Smits and ‘Flash’ Gordon Shaw have teamed up with Little White Lies and more than 200 artists for a film-themed exhibition in aid of Art Against Knives and MacMillan Cancer Support.