Dover Bookshop to continue online

While London’s Dover Bookshop finally closed its doors in March, its manager Tim Matthews is now set to keep the business going as a web-only operation

Container: a magazine that’s not a magazine

An intriguing polystyrene box of artefacts, Container is the latest project from Artomatic’s Tim Milne. It has contributors, a theme, content and ambitions to be produced regularly – so that does that make it a magazine? asks Jeremy Leslie

Kingston Graphic Design degree show

Typographic mini golf, a flash suit and a life-size swan made of discarded polystyrene cups – the ideas come thick and fast at Kingston’s Graphics show

The URL Project

Internet art pioneer Rafael Rozendaal’s latest project asks the public to come up with ideas for URLs which he will use to make art out of

Norwich UA Illustration, a show with bite

OK, so it’s terrible pun but the Norwich Illustration show has been consistently excellent in recent years, packed with memorable work. Here are our picks of this year’s show

Words and pictures

Edinburgh College of Art graduate Freddy Taylor has produced a limited edition book for photographers’ agent Horton-Stephens that combines photographers’ portfolios with written reflections on the ad industry.

Talent Spotters: Norwich UA

Over the course of this year’s degree show season, CR readers will be guest blogging reviews of shows up and down the UK (and beyond). Here, Bobby Burrage of Norwich design studio The Click visits the Norwich University of the Arts Graphic Design and Graphic Communication shows

Talent Spotters: Lincoln School of Art and Design

Over the years Lincoln has been developing a reputation for producing some award-winning creative work. With this in mind I travelled up one rainy Thursday to check out the Graphic Design, Creative Advertising and Interactive Design shows at the School of Art and Design

Talent Spotters: NCAD Dublin

Designer Ciara Fitzgerald visited Dublin’s National College of Art & Design Visual Communication degree show and chose to highlight the work of seven students that she felt really stood out

The big blue cock is nearly here

To herald the arrival of the new artwork which will sit upon the ‘Fourth Plinth’ in Trafalgar Square, the Greater London Authority has launched a teaser campaign

Royal College of Art: Visual Communication degree show

In addressing some of last year’s concerns over the display space given to the RCA’s Visual Communication graduates, this year’s show makes great use of the college’s Stevens Building and presents some particularly strong work in the process