OK, who’s got a steamroller?

After 16 months, artist Mark Webber has finished his latest super-sized linocut map. This time it’s of Berlin. And now he just needs to find a steamroller to help him print it

Can you predict the final?

Player performance data has now become a massive influence in professional football, with every pass and tackle meticulously logged for analysis. Adidas has tapped into the trend for an integrated campaign ahead of the Champions League final allowing users to predict what will happen

CR June issue: the Hipgnosis archive

Pink Floyd fans may recognise the cover of our June issue. It’s the original marked-up artwork for Dark Side of the Moon: one of a number of treasures from the archive of design studio Hipgnosis featured in the issue

Behold the doodlegram

Tel Aviv-based illustrator Geffen Refaeli produces a drawing each day that combines elements from various images uploaded to Instagram by different users. The act produces some sweetly surreal results

The cover’s cover story

The image used on this month’s cover will be strangely familiar to many music fans. It introduces our interview with Aubrey Powell of Hipgnosis, the legendary photo-design studio that created some of the most memorable album sleeves from the late 1960s to the early 80s