Animated tribute to Land Rover fans created with their help

Thousands of online users’ photos helped produce this little ‘Thank You’ film from Land Rover to its Facebook fans. Created by Wunderman NY with Trunk Animation, the project invited fans to send in personal snaps for use in the video celebrating the brand reaching one million Facebook fans

The One Thing I Know

A collection of 45 personal essays by entrepreneurs from the creative industry has just been published by Creative England. One Thing I Know is billed as a guide for anyone setting up a creative business – and it’s also free from their website

The new Flickr: thoughts?

Flickr was once one of the most exciting sites on the web, essential for most creatives. But after it was bought by Yahoo in 2005 things started to drift. Will its new redesign refire users’ enthusiasm?

Strong work from Andrew Lyons

Gracing the packaging of a new range of supplements called Strong is a series of beautiful birds from illustrator Andrew Lyons

Paul Thurlby’s Southbank prints

Illustrator Paul Thurlby has created a set of four prints for the Southbank Centre drawing on the Royal Festival Hall’s distinctive architecture and cultural programme

B-Reel tells story of the net for Google

Production company B-Reel have created a video highlighting the internet’s most important developments, from HTML to apps, for the 2013 Google I/O conference

A generative eye-dentity

Field and Someone have created an identity system for new ad agency BigEyes based on randomly generated digital images resembling the human iris