Polycell’s unsightly crack

It seems like a punning opportunity so good that we’re amazed it hasn’t been exploited before but a new ad for Polycell gleefully cashes in on the fun to be had with the coincidence of builders and ‘unsightly cracks’

The keyboard shirt

Being reserved types, we don’t go a bundle on ‘wacky’ shirts here at CR but the latest design from Gijs Sierman’s Someshirt label caught our eye with its pattern derived from a computer keyboard

Yves Saint Laurent meets NASA, apparently

Design company Burgopak was given an unusual brief for its latest project: it was asked to create packaging that channelled Yves Saint Laurent and NASA for new “artisan electronic device”, Lapka.

Duffy gift wraps Mall of America

One of the biggest shopping centres in the US – the Mall of America in Minnesota – has a vastly improved new identity system courtesy of Duffy & Partners

Get Art Flea in your year

This year’s Site Festival in Stroud, Gloucestershire will stage the inaugural Art Flea this weekend – a bizarre bazaar that puts an experimental spin on the humble flea market.

Propaganda: Power and Persuasion

The British Library has curated more than 200 items for a fascinating new exhibition exploring the use of state propaganda.

Are students getting their money’s worth?

Are UK universities failing to provide adequate tools and technology services to students? A survey of first years commissioned by Adobe suggests that many institutions are falling short of expectations

Ask Manchipp

Someone’s Simon Manchipp on selling ‘weird’ ideas, how to balance managing with designing, the worst piece of work he ever did and why abusive blog commenters are harming the design industry

A creative new campaign for CALM

Manchester music company Quenched has teamed up with artists, illustrators, musicians and comedians to launch a new campaign on behalf of male suicide prevention charity the Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

An ad in 105 videos for Getty

AlmapBBDO has knitted together another charming ad for Getty Images showing off the picture agency’s vast range of video footage

One Word Brief 2013

This year’s One Word Brief is Be: submissions are invited from budding filmmakers, photographers, illustrators and graphic designers. Winning work will be printed in a book and featured in an exhibition