William Scott: complete oil paintings

The complete oil paintings of William Scott are published as a four-volume edition by Thames & Hudson this month, designed by Herman Lelie and Stefania Bonellim and marking the centenary of the British artist’s birth

ADC Annual pokes (gentle) fun at the industry

If you’ve seen our May Annual, you will have noticed a humorous call for entries ad for the Art Directors Club. The same DDB team behind that ad has produced the 91st ADC Annual, which continues to send up the creative industry


Unique poster art from OSPAAAL that thrived thanks to the Cuban revolution

What is the future of type?

“There will always be type, and as long as designers like difference, there will always be unusual typefaces for eccentric applications.” So believes designer and author Steven Heller, but what do you think the future holds for type?

Cheers! Inkygoodness beer mat art

The Inkygoodness Beermat Characters show presents the work of 80 imagemakers who were challenged to transform a humble beer mat into an illustrated character

Make your own Y-3 interactive film

Digital agency ACNE is behind a very enjoyable interactive film designed for Y-3, the collaborative fashion venture from adidas and Yohji Yamamoto

Richard Woods says DIY

Richard Woods’ new solo show DIY opens today at the Alan Cristea Gallery in London and features new work alongside a site-specific installation cladding the gallery in his distinctive wood-grain boarding