The digital pamphleteers

As a vehicle for subversion and satire, the single-page microsite devoted to one issue is fast becoming a new form for the polemical essay

Portraits from a war

Jo Metson Scott’s photographs of soldiers who have spoken out against the Iraq war reveal the courage it takes to do so. Wayne Ford reviews her new book of the work

VirusFonts release Doctrine

Doctrine, the latest typeface from Jonathan Barnbrook’s VirusFonts, has its roots in an unlikely source…

Feed the news machine and watch it twist your words

Colors magazine’s News Machine takes your tweets and puts them through the modern media mangle. Built to launch issue #86, Making the News, potential news generators can see it in action at the International Journalism Festival in Italy

Morag makes the CR Annual cover

The cover image for this year’s Creative Review Annual (out this week) was created by Morag Myerscough in her inimitable hand-crafted style. See how she did it

Create your own 3D projection mapping on Tokyo skyline

Creative director Tsubasa Oyagi has conjured a dazzling interactive website for Japanese property developer Mori Building that allows users to create their own virtual light show, projection-mapped onto a miniature model of Tokyo

Past present

So-called ‘austerity’ graphic design was a trend in this year’s CR Annual. Nostalgia has long played a part in graphic design, but is it becoming more prevalent? asks

Going to plan

Christian Borstlap is exactly where he always wanted to be – doing what he loves for a living, and spreading his distinctive brand of creativity. By Anna Richardson Taylor

PR the hell out of it

With ad campaigns increasingly turning to PR tactics, what effect is this having on agency creative departments and the skills of those who work there?

Imgembed: what and who is it for?

Imgembed styles itself as the “new standard for fair, online image use”, hoping to combat the online ‘theft’ of images. Will it prove to be a genuinely useful service for photographers and photography-users alike? asks photo agent Lisa Pritchard

TBWA compresses films into code for festival campaign

Believe it or not, the above image is an entire film squeezed into a unique visual code. It is part of a campaign created by TBWAChiatDay New York for the Brklyn Film Festival to drum up interest and ticket sales

Simon Cowell and friends feature in new Wilfrid Wood show

If you read our feature on sculptor Wilfrid Wood in the July 2008 issue of Creative Review (read it here), you’ll know that he’s a big collector of outsider art. That he’s showing almost 50 new sculptural works at London’s KK Outlet while the gallery simultaneously hosts an exhibit of painter John Croft’s work is no coincidence…