What a BA jumbo jet is made up of

From toilet rolls to teaspoons, British Airways loads thousands of individual items on to each jumbo jet before it takes to the skies. Fifty BA employees created an image of a giant plane made up of these items on the floor of an aircraft hangar

Cardboard boxes that really help the homeless

Cardboard boxes have long been associated with homelessness. However, agency Publicis London, working with charity Depaul UK, has come up with a clever way of flipping the association from a negative one to a positive one…

GOV.UK wins at Designs of the Year

Last night it was announced that GOV.UK, the UK government’s single online domain designed by the Government Digital Service, has won the Design of the Year 2013

Great crowdsourced video from Moniker

Design studio Moniker in Amsterdam has created this excellent music video-cum-website for the song Kilo by the band Light Light which is super fun to play with…

Pick Me Up 2013

From learning how to model Shaun The Sheep with Aardman’s Jim Parkyn to pulling a screenprint with Print Club London or creating your own A5 artwork with Human After All using specially created facial feature rubber stamps – here’s the CR guide to Pick Me Up 2013 which opens at Somerset House this week…

Paul Belford Ltd brands Waddesdon Wine

Founded in November last year by art director Paul Belford and ex Wolff Olins creative director Martin Brown, Paul Belford Ltd has revealed its very first branding project – for Waddesdon Wine, the Rothschild’s UK wine merchant…

Felt Mistress toy making workshop at PMU

Following the paper toy workshop we ran at Pick Me Up 2012, CR is delighted to announce that this year we are teaming up with Felt Mistress to run a felt toy making workshop on Monday April 22 at the Somerset House-based graphic art fair…