VW ad aims to catch the fast-forwarders

DDB Brussels has attempted to tackle the growing TV advertising challenge of viewers’ fast-forwarding through ad breaks with its new commercial for Volkswagen. Described by the agency as a new format of advertising, the Volkswagen Beetle ‘Slowmercial’ doubles up as a quasi-print ad when fast-forwarded, and can thus be enjoyed – or at least taken in – at normal speed as well as high speed.

Oreo asks the important questions

Wieden + Kennedy Portland, Oregon, has wrapped up its Cookie vs Creme campaign for Oreo cookies with a seemingly endlessly entertaining website, SuperImportantTest.com

A tribute to pudding

“It has paused a million video games”: JWT pays tribute to the power of pudding for Ambrosia custard

The social farter

A Canadian anti-smoking commercial plays on the old ‘Do you mind if I smoke? No, do you mind if I fart?’ gag with the story of a young woman who only passes wind in social situations. So that’s OK then

The design experience

Cape Town’s Design Indaba shows that the scope for designers to make a difference to society is wider than ever

Ones to Watch

Funny, odd and at times downright macabre: all qualities shared by a handful of young animators whose work has wowed us recently. Further investigation reveals that they share a common background

The Layzell Brothers

A 60s psychedelia-influenced film for Adam Buxton and a psychotic Santa are among the highlights of the irreverent reel of brothers Matt and Paul Layzell

Becky & Joe

Plasticine, meat and glitter – Becky Sloan and Joe Pelling are very much hands-on when it comes to the films they make as Becky & Joe

All texture, no ‘big idea’

It’s taken several years for the industry to learn the language of YouTube but it remains a tricky platform to get right

How to be an independent

If you’re going to self-publish, you need a passion for your subject and a unique take on it

Fight for your copy rights

Great long copy ads and the skills that go with creating them are in danger of extinction. It’s time to take a stand

The word on the street

A new survey of typographic installations shows how using the right words can make a big difference to civic experience