Through the looking glass

Photographer Rut Mackel’s series The Ugly Truth “explores the ugliness and the beauty that exists within each of us”, thanks to her use of a simple but effective technique

On the money: Are designers badly paid?

Are designers badly paid? How much should you charge? What do ad agency creative directors earn? Could you earn more abroad? Our January issue tackles these and other cash-related questions. Here, we share some of the key findings of the research we conducted for the issue

Orwell, covered up

Brand new covers for five of George Orwell’s works feature in a new series published today by Penguin and designed by David Pearson. The set includes a remarkable take on Orwell’s most well known novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Stamp of freedom

A new US stamp commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, which President Abraham Lincoln signed on January 1, 1863, freeing all slaves in the rebel Confederate states

Brody makes his mark

As dean of the School of Communication at the Royal College of Art, Neville Brody says he is fulfilling a long-held ambition to work in education. Already he has redesigned the School’s building and the RCA identity, but that’s just the start of his ambitions

Little Me

Guy Reid’s Little Me show at the Coningsby Gallery presents a world of miniature people carved in exquisite detail out of lime wood. The painted figures, which include depictions of Reid’s partner Andrew and writers Philip Pullman and Jackie Wilson, are uncanny in their intricate detail

Make the most of yourself

We asked Ian Coulson, founder of Mustard recruitment consultancy and a branding designer with experience of the industry, what studios and agencies are looking for in the current economic climate – and how creatives can best sell themselves in frugal times

No more day rates

Day rates undervalue work and can encourage dishonesty says freelance copywriter Mike Reed. Project fees are a much better option

How can I earn whilst sleeping?

1 | Get to grips with a thorough set of management accounts, broken down into revenue strands so you know just what it is each client is paying you for. 2 | Grill each new client brief to gauge exactly what you are being asked (and therefore paid) to do. Ensure your contract reflects it […]

Studio profile: Six

Design director Iain Follett and managing director Darren Jessop of Leicestershire studio Six talk rent, running costs and hard graft