No more day rates

Day rates undervalue work and can encourage dishonesty says freelance copywriter Mike Reed. Project fees are a much better option

How can I earn whilst sleeping?

1 | Get to grips with a thorough set of management accounts, broken down into revenue strands so you know just what it is each client is paying you for. 2 | Grill each new client brief to gauge exactly what you are being asked (and therefore paid) to do. Ensure your contract reflects it […]

Studio profile: Six

Design director Iain Follett and managing director Darren Jessop of Leicestershire studio Six talk rent, running costs and hard graft


Ten warning signs your business may be in financial trouble

What price photography?

Usage, not day rates, should determine the cost of photography, says agent Lisa Pritchard. She explains how and why its price may vary

Studio profile: Crispin Finn

Anna Fidalgo, one half of the London-based design and illustration duo reveals how getting an agent has helped them to establish a new studio

Hand-painted signs of Kratie, Cambodia

Hand-painted signs in Cambodia are a characteristic feature of the country’s streetscape but, like elsewhere in the world, they are becoming increasingly rare

Dead or alive?

By keeping cut roses in a state of suspended animation, their colours drained but their life preserved, Alexander James has created images of ethereal beauty

Ogling Ogilvy

There are a few revelations to be found in The Unpublished David Ogilvy collection. But is this what happens when the personality endures longer than the creative work?

Read my lips, then the copy

One way of ensuring people read the text on an ad is to use restraint. And a great image