The book of bad graffiti

As a counterpoint to the coffee table books of gallery-friendly graffiti art, a new collection records the more familiar – and less refined – writing styles as seen on the streets of Detroit

Type City website

Currently in his final year on the BA (Hons) Graphic Communication course at the Birmingham Institute of Art and Design, Dan Cooper has created Type City, a web platform that collates documented lettering from around the UK’s cities, from shop signage to public notice signs

Valentino: Master of Couture

The Somerset House show on the work of Italian fashion designer Valentino has an appropriately elegant identity, exhibition graphics and accompanying catalogue courtesy of Studio Frith

Hang out with Wallace and Gromit

Wallace and Gromit have teamed up with Google+ Hangouts for the time-honoured tradition of opening presents together, but with a digital twist.

CR January: The Money Issue

What do you earn? Is everyone else getting more? Do you charge enough? How much would it cost to set up on your own? Is there a better way of getting paid? These and many more questions are addressed in January’s Creative Review: The Money Issue

New rainbow-hued graphics

In October we showed some spreads from Black & White, the first tome in Victionary’s series of Palette books which collate graphic design projects that utilise a particular approach to colour. Here’s a look at the second book from the series, entitled Multicolour…

Tim Burton shoots The Killers’ new video

Craig Roberts (the lead in Richard Ayoade’s debut film Submarine) and Winona Ryder star in the video for The Killers’ track Here With Me, shot by Tim Burton…

Remembering Nic Hughes

Nic Hughes was a designer, writer and educator who died of cancer in October, aged just 44. As well as fighting the disease, Nic’s last few months were also spent battling insurance company Friends Life which has refused to pay out on his critical illness policy leaving his family in great difficulty

Pete Fowler’s Oceans of Fantasy

Cardiff-born illustrator Pete Fowler has returned to the Welsh capital city to exhibit Oceans of Fantasy at the Wales Millenium Centre…

Hook, line and signature

Saul Bass, a graphic designer responsible for some of the most celebrated work in film posters, title sequences and identity design, needs little introduction. But famous as he was, it seems he still had time to employ a rather amusing signature on occasion