Saratta Chuengsatiansup on illustration as a form of rebellion

The illustrator’s 3D works “meme” timely news stories in Thailand and demonstrate the power images can have when making political statements 

Thai Illustrator Saratta Chuengsatiansup runs the Instagram account Uninspired by Current Events, which he initially set up during the height of the pandemic. “People were stuck at home and frustrated by the mismanagement of the pandemic by the military government at the time,” he tells CR.

“There was a lot of censorship and prosecution of people who were criticising the government. So the name was kind of a play on the disclaimer in movies to prevent them from getting sued, and from the fact that current events were so uninspiring at the time.”

Top: Make Them. Above: Cake. All images: Saratta Chuengsatiansup

Chuengsatiansup’s images are surreal and satirical and while they might seem obscure, he’s typically “meme-ing on the news” at home in Thailand. “A lot of the news here is political, I really enjoy making the boring stuff fun,” he says. “I’d like to think it benefits society in some way too.”