Lettering artist Seb Lester hangs tiny exhibition in a tiny gallery

The exhibition of small prints and original art is appearing in a red telephone box in Settle, North Yorkshire

Seb Lester exhibition in a tiny post box

In its retirement, the redundant British red telephone box has become many things. Some house life-saving defibrillators, others have become libraries, and a phone box in Settle, North Yorkshire, is dubbed the world’s smallest public art gallery. 

The tiny gallery is a fitting location for lettering artist Seb Lester to hang his Tiny exhibition of very small prints and original art, on show until August 22. Each of the small works in the exhibition is hand-printed in metallic gold ink on various coloured paper.

Two prints are written in Latin. One work contains the word Pax, which means ‘peace’, while another reads In Vino Veritas, which translates as ‘in wine, there is truth’. Lester has printed ‘Find the things you love’ on the remaining work.

Seb Lester work that reads Pax (Peace in Latin)
Seb Lester work that reads In Vino Veritas

Of his tiny exhibition, Lester said, “I’m delighted with the new work; it’s some of my best to date, and the new mini-print format of die-stamped and embossed printing is extraordinary.” The exhibition will take place from August 17-22.

A big name in the calligraphy world, Lester previously released a limited-edition print depicting an S intricately decorated with ancient and modern symbols (from emojis to cave paintings).

Seb Lester work that reads Find the things you love
