What does the new creative workplace look like?

As the creative industry wrestles with the pros and cons of hybrid working, new office models are emerging to cater for a range of needs

The workplace was already undergoing a transformation before Covid put paid to the daily commute for whole swathes of office workers. Flexible workspaces were already on the rise but as soon as the industry realised that creative work could still be done from home, all bets were off. But working from home isn’t for everyone and a new hybrid model is emerging across the creative industries.

Many are balancing the benefits of in-person and remote work in what has become the modern hybrid model. In 2023, remote marketing roles increased by 177%. We’re also seeing an overhaul of not just where we work but how we work, with trials showing the benefits of four-day weeks.

Agencies are reimagining traditional office setups, heading towards spaces that offer both private areas and communal zones, which encourage spontaneous interaction and collaboration. This model is proving particularly appealing to creative agencies that thrive on the exchange of ideas and dynamic working environments.